29. RCIA The Angels

The Angels

The Catechism says…

'the existence of spiritual, non bodily beings that Sacred Scripture calls angels is a truth of faith. The witness of scripture being as clear as the church tradition.'

St Thomas Aquinas who wrote a great deal about angels said this,

'Angels are spiritual creatures who glorify God without ceasing, and who serve His saving plans for other creatures. The angels work together for the benefit of us all'

The word angel means messenger and comes from Greek 'Angeles'.

Church teaching tells us that Angels are created being beings who are servants and messengers of God. Like us they both intelligence and free will, unlike us who could be described as spirits embodied, they are spirits without bodies, although when they allow themselves to be seen they take on a physical form.
St Augustine says that angel is the name of their office, not of their nature. Their nature is spirit, but what they do is angel. With the whole of their being they are the servants and messengers of God.

The Bible contains many references to angels in both the old and new testaments. They have been present since creation, and throughout the history of salvation they have been working to accomplish the Divine plan. For example they closed the garden of Eden, protected Lot, saved Hagar and her son, stayed Abraham's hand, led the people of God, announced births and callings, assisted the prophets and ultimately the angel Gabriel announced the birth of John the Baptist and of Jesus himself. From Christ's incarnation to the Ascension he is surrounded by the angels. Their song of praise at his birth has not ceased resounding in the Church - 'Glory to God in the highest'. They protected him in his infancy and strengthened him in his agony. They proclaimed the Good news of his resurrection, and will be present when he returns to serve at his judgement.

God bestowed on the angels great wisdom, freedom, and power. He gave them a supernatural grace by which they could gain the reward of Heaven by remaining faithful to God. However, both the new and old testaments also refer to fallen angels. We know from scripture that a third of all the angels didnt remain faithful to God, they followed Lucifer when he tried to take God's throne, but they were defeated by St Michael the Archangel and fell to their punishment - eternal damnation.

The Catholic teaching is that although angels were created with free will, the test they underwent was so decisive that afterwards their will was set and an angel can no longer choose sin, this is also why a demon aka a fallen angel cannot repent.
Why did God create Angels?

The Creator is so powerful and glorious that He cannot be approached in person by human beings as God cannot look on sin,

1 Timothy 6:16
'Dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see.'

Angels have not sinned, and therefore can act for God and represent Him when communicating with men and women. They bridge the huge gap between the holiness and perfection of God in Heaven and the shortcomings of us on earth.

Angels were made immortal, and are neither male nor female. (Luke 20:35-36)

There are nine different orders of angels. Seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominions, virtues, powers, archangels, principalities, guardian angels.

Today we will concentrate on Archangels and guardian angels.

Guardian Angels - Oct 2nd feast day.

The doctrine of angels is a part of church tradition. The role of the guardian angel is to both guide us to good thoughts, works, and words, and to preserve us from evil. Since the 17th century the church has celebrated a feast day on which to honour them especially.

From its beginning until death, each human life is surrounded by their watchful care and intercession. They stand by your side as protector and shepherd leading you to the eternal life, at the same time as they stand before the Father.

'Beware lest you scandalise any of these little ones, for their angels in heaven see the face of my Father'.

The existence of angels is a dogma of faith, and as such we should be aware of having great respect for, and give thanks to God for the Angel at our side. Plus we should always be careful not to offend by sin those eyes which are ever upon us.

Psalm 8:4-5
'what is man, that you are mindful of him....for thou has made him little lower than the angels.

God denies to no man sufficient help to save his soul and in the order of Divine providence the guardianship of the holy angels is one of the elements which make up that help. For God allows men to be tempted, even though in our own strength we could not resist the temption or successfully. Hence he provides us the assistance and protection of the holy angels.
Angels also watch over those who have never had faith, and those who have lost faith or fallen from grace. This shows us the mercy of God whereby he seeks always the reconciliation of the sinner.

Angels guard us from physical harm - removing the harm or prompting us to avoid it.

Angels guard us from spiritual harm - flashing into our minds rays of light, or stir our hearts in order to avoid the evil they would have us flee.

Angels hold the demons in check - not allowing them to tempt us as often or a violently as they would do.
Angels offer our prayers and good works to God.

Your guardian angel has been with you from your birth and will remain with you until you enter Heaven. In purgatory it is believed that your gurdian angel will visit you to encourage and comfort you, until he can accompany you to Heaven.

In all the ups and downs of life He has never once moved from your side. Your forgetfulness of him, coldness towards him, Ingratitude of him, has not driven him away. Our sins, however terrible will not silence his voice of warning. He will continue to pray for us and protect us and urge us towards God all the more.
We may choose a particular saint that we feel an affinity with but our angel has been chosen for us by God and has a particular affection for us.

Exodus 23:20-22
This passage urges us to listen to our angel’s promptings. We owe him our respect, love, and gratitude, and we should remember to pray acknowledging our guardian angels help and protection.

These are generally understood to mean chief or leading angel. They are mentioned in Jude 9, and 1 Thess 4:16. These are the most frequently mentioned in the Bible. They have a unique role as God's messengers to people at critical times in salvation history. (Tobit 12:6/15 John 5:4 and Rev 12:7-9)

St Michael is of special significance a he has been invoked as patron and protector of the church since the time of the Apostles. He was the one who as leader of the forces of heaven led their triumph over satan and his followers.

Gabriel is first mentioned in the prophecies of Daniel in the Old testament. He also appeared to Zechariah to announce the birth of John the Baptist, and proclaimed the Annunciation of Mary.

Raphael first appears in the book of Tobit he announces 'I am the angel Raphael one of the seven who stand before the throne of God (Tobit 12:13).

Uriel is only mentioned in the apocryphal book Esdras 3.

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