13. Holy Spirit



318. Which are the seven gifts of the Holy SpirIt?

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: 1. Wisdom
2. Understanding
3. Counsel
4. Fortitude
5. Knowledge
6. Piety
7. The fear of the Lord. (Is. 11:2.3)

319. Which are the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit?
The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are:
1. Charity
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Benignity
6. Goodness
7. Longanimity
8. Mildness
9. Faith
10. Modesty
11. Continency
12. Chastity. (Gal. 5:22)

326. Which are the six sins against the Holy Spirit?
The six sins against the Holy Spirit are:
1. Presumption.
2. Despair.
3. Resisting the known truth.
4. Envy of another's spiritual good.
5. Obstinacy in sin.
6. Final impenitence.


1 Q: What are we taught in the Eighth Article: I believe in the Holy Ghost?

A: The Eighth Article of the Creed teaches us that there is a Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity; and that, like the Father and the Son, He is God eternal, infinite, omnipotent, Creator and Lord of all things. 

2 Q: From whom does the Holy Ghost proceed?

A: The Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son, as from one Principle, by way of will and love. 

3 Q: If the Son proceeds from the Father, and the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son, it would seem as if the Father and the Son are prior to the Holy Ghost; how then can it be said that all the Three Persons are eternal?

A: It is said that all the Three Persons are eternal, because the Father has begotten the Son from all eternity, and the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and from the Son from all eternity. 

4 Q: Why is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity specially designated by the name of the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit?

A: The Third Person of the Blessed Trinity is specially designated by the name of the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit, because He proceeds from the Father and from the Son by way of spiration and of love. 

5 Q: What work is especially attributed to the Holy Ghost?

A: To the Holy Ghost is specially attributed the sanctification of souls.

6 Q: Do the Father and the Son sanctify us equally with the Holy Ghost?

A: Yes, all the Three Divine Persons equally sanctify us. 

7 Q: If this is so, why is the sanctification of souls specially attributed to the Holy Ghost?

A: The sanctification-of souls is specially attributed to the Holy Ghost, because it is a work of love, and the works of love are attributed to the Holy Ghost. 

8 Q: When did the Holy Ghost descend on the Apostles?

A: The Holy Ghost descended on the Apostles on the day of Pentecost, that is, fifty days after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and ten days after His Ascension. 

9 Q: Where were the Apostles during the ten days preceding Pentecost?

A: The Apostles were gathered together in the Supper Room with the Virgin Mary and the other disciples, and were persevering in prayer in expectation of the Holy Ghost, Whom Jesus Christ had promised to send them. 

10 Q: What effects did the Holy Ghost produce in the Apostles?

A: The Holy Ghost confirmed the Apostles in the faith, filled them with light, strength, charity, and an abundance of all His gifts. 

11 Q: Was the Holy Ghost sent for the Apostles alone?

A: The Holy Ghost was sent for the whole Church and for every faithful soul. 

12 Q: What does the Holy Ghost do in the Church?

A: The Holy Ghost gives life to the Church by His grace and by His gifts, as the soul gives life to the body; He establishes in her the Kingdom of truth and of love; and He helps her to lead her children in safety along the way to heaven.


Bishop Barron on the Holy Spirit 
in the Life of the Church

Pentecost and the Seven Gifts

Pentecost in 2 minutes

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