17. What is God?
God is the supreme Spirit, who alone exists of himself, and is infinite in all perfection.
18. Why is God called Almighty?
God is called 'Almighty' because he can do all things; 'For God everything is possible'. (Matt. 19:26)
19. Why is God called Creator of heaven and earth?
God is called 'Creator of heaven and earth' because he made heaven and earth, and all things, out of nothing, by his word.
20. Had God any beginning?
God had no beginning: he always was, he is, and he always will be.
21. Where is God?
God is everywhere.
22. Does God know and see all things?
God knows and sees all things, even our most secret thoughts.
23. Had God any body?
God has no body; he is a spirit.
24. Is there only one God?
There is only one God.
25. Are there three Persons in God?
There are three Persons in God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
26. Are these three Persons three Gods?
These three Persons are not three Gods: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all one and the same God.
27. What is the mystery of the Three Persons in one God called?
The mystery of the three Persons in one God is called the mystery of the Blessed Trinity.
28. What do you mean by a mystery?
By a mystery I mean a truth which is above reason, but revealed by God.
29. Is there any likeness to the Blessed Trinity in your soul?
There is this likeness to the Blessed Trinity in my soul: that as in one God there are three Persons, so in my one soul there are three powers.
30. Which are the three powers of your soul?
The three powers of my soul are my memory, my understanding, and my will.
What is the Holy Trinity?
Bishop Barron - What is the Trinity?
The Holy Trinity (Tour of the Catechism)
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