St. Thomas More
Saint Thomas More
Feast Day June 22
One day
Thomas was called before the king’s councilors. They demanded that Thomas obey
the order of the king and sign a paper to agree that the king was the head of
the Church in England. Thomas read
the paper and answered quietly, “Sirs, I cannot sign.” The councilors were
angry. They told Thomas the names of very important men in the kingdom who had
already signed. Some were priests and bishops. But Thomas still refused to
sign. He knew that if he refused, he would go to prison. He knew that prisoners
sent to the Tower of London usually were
put to death. Still he would not sign.
Thomas’s wife
tried to get Thomas to go back to his work as a lawyer instead of working for
the king, but Thomas said, “My duty is to help the king in whatever way I can.
I cannot resign.” He knew that God wanted him to do whatever he could to help England.
For more than
a year, Thomas suffered in a cold, damp prison cell. The man in charge of the
prison liked Thomas. He felt sorry for him and apologized for the horrible
conditions. Thomas, who always liked to joke, said, “Well, if I complain too
much, just throw me out!”
Thomas was brought before judges. They accused him of treason. That meant that
he was not loyal to his country and must die. When Thomas was led to the place
where he would give up his life, he told the executioner not to feel too bad.
“After all,” Thomas said, “you’re doing me a favor. Today I go to heaven.” Then
Thomas lifted his beard to one side and had one last joke. “Don’t chop off my
beard,” he said. “Certainly it has not committed treason.”
Saints John Fisher and Thomas More
Feast day June 22
John Fisher
was born in England in 1469.
After he was ordained a priest, the royal family appointed him tutor for Prince
Henry, who became King Henry VIII. In 1504, Fisher became bishop of Rochester and also
chancellor of Cambridge University. Fisher paid
special attention to people who were poor. He wrote eight books against heresy,
and Henry, then king, was proud to be his friend.
All this
changed when King Henry claimed that his marriage to Catherine, his brother’s
widow, was not valid. Henry had become tired of Catherine and interested in
young, attractive Anne Boleyn. Henry’s request for a divorce was refused by the
pope, and Bishop Fisher supported this decision. He was strong enough to resist
signing the document siding with King Henry, though all the other bishops of England had signed
Six months
later, Henry had parliament write another document, the Oath of Supremacy,
claiming that Henry was supreme head of the Catholic Church in England. Again
Bishop Fisher refused to sign. This made the king angry. The bishop was
sentenced to prison in 1534 on the charge of high treason. The pope declared
the jailed bishop a cardinal. Fisher was kept in prison for 14 months without a
trial. In June, 1535, he was condemned to death by beheading.
Thomas More
was born in 1477, the son of a lawyer in London. He planned
to become a priest but then entered law school. His three daughters, son, and
friends helped make his home a happy place.
Besides being
a shrewd lawyer, Thomas was a charming, witty man, who won the friendship of
the king. Henry VIII began his rule of England as a devout
king. Later, King Henry asked Thomas to approve of the divorce he wanted.
Thomas refused. Of course, the king became angry. By this time, Thomas had
become chancellor of England. Henry
wanted Thomas on his side. Then when every bishop except John Fisher signed the
Oath of Supremacy, Thomas refused to sign. He resigned as chancellor and
retired to his country home, hoping for a quiet life with his family.
however, was sent to prison. He was kept for more than a year in the Tower of London. The king
tried hard to make him change his mind, but Thomas stood firm. He knew this
stand would mean certain death for him and disgrace for his family, but he
followed his conscience. Finally, after suffering hunger, cold, and loneliness,
Thomas was led out to be beheaded on July 6. Seeing that the masked swordsman
was quite nervous, Thomas said, “Be not afraid, for you send me to God.” Then
he said to the crowd, “I die the king’s good servant, but God’s first.”
Have the
students discuss ways to help their friends make good choices. Give them two rules:
Pray for the courage and the right
moment to speak.
Advise friends in an honest,
respectful way.
Ask the
students to recall a time when they did what was right. Have them thank God and
pray for help in the future.
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